In the tradition of Stir of Echoes and Final Destination, Donnie Darko is an edgy, psychological thriller about a suburban teen coming face-to-face with his dark destiny. Jake Gyllenhaal leads a star filled cast (including Drew Barrymore, Noah Wyle, Jena Malone, Patrick Swayze and Mary McDonnell) as a delusional high school student visited by a demonic rabbit with eerie visions of the past and deadly predictions for the future. This "excitingly original (Entertainment Weekly) nail-biter will keep you on the edge of your seat until the mind-bending climax.
Special Features: -Director And Actors Commentary -Deleted/Extended Scenes with optional Director Commentary -"Cunning Vision Infomercials -The Philosophy of Time Travel Book -Website Gallery -"Mad World Music Video -Art Gallery & Production Stills -Cast & Crew Info -Theatrical Trailer & TV Spots