Poko is a light-hearted and humorous pre-school
stop-motion animation series that follows a fun-
loving three-year-old, Poko. Poko is just
beginning to discover the world around him with
his dog Minus, and his stuffed toy Mr. Murphy.
Each adventure features our little hero
confronting a childhood milestone, such as tying
shoelaces or kicking a ball. Poko celebrates and
encourages imagination, and introduces life
skills. With the support and guidance of the
friendly and soothing voice of the Narrator, the
series suggests ways of working through the
minefield of overwhelming emotions, physical
limitations, and other obstacles on the rocky road
to bedtime."
Languages: English & French
Format size: | Fullscreen |
Languages: | English, French |
Runtime: | 69 min. |
Number of discs: | 1 |