Talk to Me is the powerful real-life story of Ralph Waldo ""Petey" Green (Cheadle), an outspoken ex-con who talked his way into becoming an iconic radio personality in the 1960s, in Washington, D.C. Sparked by both the era's vibrant soul music and exploding social consciousness, Petey openly courted controversy at a white-owned station. Relying on his producer Dewey Hughes (Ejiofor) to run interference, Petey's unprecedented ""tell it like it is" on air style gave voice and spirit to the black community during an exciting and turbulent period in American history. Henson plays Petey's supportive lover Vernell. Cedric plays Nighthawk, an established radio personality with a more traditional style than Petey's. Epps plays Milo, Dewey's prison-inmate brother.