A world-weary Marine (Tom Hardy) returns home to Pittsburgh, and reaches out to his estranged fight trainer father (Nick Nolte) to help him prepare for a mixed martial arts tournament with a record purse. His rise through the rankings, however, hits an unexpected snag in the form of his similarly embittered ex-MMA battler brother (Joel Edgerton), who has his own designs on the big prize. Jennifer Morrison, Kevin Dunn, Frank Grillo co-star. 140 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtracks: English DTS HD 7.1 Master Audio, DTS HD 5.1 Master Audio, Dolby Digital stereo; Subtitles: English (SDH), Spanish; audio commentary; featurettes; documentary; deleted scene; gag reel; bonus digital copy. Also includes a DVD version of the film. Two-disc set.