The long-running sitcom's sixth season (2003-4) begins with Grace's (Debra Messing) husband, Leo (Harry Connick Jr.), quitting Doctors Without Borders to be with her, but the situation is temporary, leaving Grace sans special someone this season. Karen (Megan Mullally) begins dating Lyle (John Cleese), the father of Lorraine (Minnie Driver), the woman Karen's deceased husband, Stan, had secretly been seeing. Jack (Sean Hayes) shuffles off his status as a money sponge and actually graduates nursing school, while also hitting it off with one of Will's (Eric McCormack) more eccentric clients, Stuart (Dave Foley), and moving in with him. Will, meanwhile, meets the man who will become his long-term partner, Vince (Bobby Cannavale), a cop who pulls Will and Karen over as Will is trying to teach Karen how to drive. As in former seasons of Will & Grace, the highlights of Season 6 usually involve famous guest stars: This season includes Geena Davis playing Grace's older sister; Suzanne Pleshette as Karen's mother; Blythe Danner returning as Will's mother; Debbi Reynolds popping in as Grace's mother; Jack Black as a doctor who examines Karen; Hal Linden as a sugar daddy for Will; Edie Falco and Chloe Sevigny as lesbian real estate speculators; and Candice Bergen, Barry Manilow, and Jennifer Lopez as themselves. One of the season's best guest stunts involves James Earl Jones: Portraying himself, he signs up for Jack's acting class, where he hilariously re-creates a scene from Sex and the City.